A New Learning Garden is Coming to Victoria!
It all started with the seed of an idea: a beautiful, biodiverse garden in downtown Victoria, an outdoor classroom and a community space...
We're Hiring! - Indigenous Summer Internship
Hello! We are currently seeking an Indigenous student to join us here at FED for an exciting summer internship! We are looking for...
Synergy Sustainability Institute Presents ZERO Waste Vancouver Island
Waste is a dirty topic, but the solutions start with us! Synergy Sustainability Institute (our parent non-profit) is hosting a film...
Faces Behind FED: Meet Kayla Brazier
Kayla Brazier is a graphic designer, a photographer, and a digital marketer with an eye for the beautiful. She is also a plant lover and...
Faces Behind FED: Meet Carly Neal
Carly Neal is one of FED's longest-serving volunteers, having started with the project back in 2015. As an Registered Interior Designer,...
Bringing the FED Learning Garden to Life
Through the City of Victoria’s participatory budget we have an amazing opportunity to bring our Learning Garden project to life, but to...
Faces Behind FED: Meet Cat Cooper
Cat Cooper became FED's first Urban Garden Coordinator earlier this year. She is the one who keeps our planter boxes and urban gardens...
Farewell to a Fabulous Summer
This past summer was a season full of growth! In late July, Heidi and Cat spent a few mornings out in the warm sun planting over 50...
What is an Eco-District Anyways?
We get asked this question a lot. What is this whole ‘Eco District’ concept, and what makes FED one of them? Let’s break it down. An Eco...
Big Wheel Burger's Boulevard Garden
Big Wheel Burger was FED’s first Satellite member. A carbon neutral burger joint with a zero-waste philosophy, Big Wheel is known for its...