blanshard streetscape
A pathway for pollinators and people
Welcome to the pollinator corridor
The Blanshard Streetscape is a collection of garden planters that line Blanshard Street in the heart of downtown Victoria . The goal of this project is to integrate growing space and natural beauty into Victoria’s urban core. This garden corridor has been re-envisioned and transformed to serve as the hub of FED’s Urban Pollinator Gardens.
​By creating this habitat for local bumble bees, mason bees, and butterflies we are forming a pathway to welcome more beneficial insects into our city’s downtown core.
The Corridor:
Provides a rare source of food for pollinators, particularly during the dry summer months in the city​
Utilizes native species to increase climate resilience
Offers and opportunity to connect with nature amidst the bustle of the city
This strip of green in our city will grow as we work to transform more underutilized spaces across our city into productive opportunities to support native plants and pollinators.